Q42-How does digestion work without lipase?
Remember, lipase is destroyed by cooking. When fat is cooked, the naturally occurring lipase in the fat is no longer active, thus the fat is forced to remain idle and unaltered in the stomach during the period of 2 to 3 hours after it is swallowed. Without lipase, fat digestion is delayed until amylase and pepsin digest the carbohydrates and proteins in the upper part of the stomach prior to the time the acidity becomes strong enough to prevent further action.
When heated enzyme-free fat comes in contact with hydrochloric acid in the stomach, it is changed chemically. Its chemical make-up is left with a structural defect that prevents it from being properly digested in the intestine. Thus, this could cause improper metabolism at the cellular level, which could lead to plaque build-up in the arteries. And this may well be the reason why humans and animals that eat raw fat with its lipase component are immune to cardiovascular disease. |