Q38-How might supplemental enzymes cure or prevent cancer?
Research is unclear. However, researchers postulate two theories as possible answers. First, researchers can trace the beginning of cancer to the cell's DNA. Cancer cells begin with an alteration of normal DNA in the cell. Promoters, such as stress, saturated fat, obesity, ultra violet rays from the sun and others, cause the four proteins (adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine) that make up DNA to change their normal chemistry which causes the cell to make the wrong protein. Once the wrong protein is made, the cell will continue to make the wrong protein forever. These cells spread (metastasize), and destroy other cells. Probably, at any given time your body has approximately 100 to maybe 10,000 of these cells trying to make the wrong protein. Don't worry, nature has provided repair enzymes that travel up and down the DNA structures and correct the errant proteins. If you consume raw foods or take supplemental digestive enzymes, maybe the body can make more of these repair enzymes to help prevent cancer cells from beginning.
The second theory posits that cancer cells are covered with a protein covering that protects and prevents them from being attacked by the white blood cells. The reason why the white blood cells won't attack the cancer cell is because the white blood cell cannot recognize the cancer cells as dangerous to the body. It is believed by many researchers that the protein covering disguises the cancer cell and white blood cells think this cell is friendly to the body. Taking an enzyme supplement (especially protease, which digests or breaks down proteins) may break down the outer protein covering of the cancer cell so that the white blood cell may recognize it as unfriendly and destroy it. |