Q35-I've heard that some foods contain enzyme inhibitors. Is that true?
Yes. Tree nuts, seeds, beans, and grains contain enzyme inhibitors, along with a very active number of enzymes. But because enzymes are very active entities, nature had to put a rein on them and make them dormant until such a time as the seed could fall to the ground and be adequately covered with soil. This rein or slowing down by nature could be called an enzyme inhibitor. However, nature will inactivate these enzyme inhibitors when moisture is absorbed by the seed that is covered with soil. This is the time the seed begins germinating (sprouting) to form a seedling. Eating too many nuts and seeds, which have an abundance of enzyme inhibitors, could cause GI-tract problems. So, you have only two options open to you: you can wait until the seed or nut begins germination, or you can take enzyme supplements when eating these foods to neutralize their enzyme inhibitors. |