Q27-Can enzymes control obesity?
Very definitely. Obese individuals were found to have a deficiency in the enzyme lipase. Lipase is found in abundance in raw foods. Cooking destroys lipase in raw foods. Lipase is the enzyme that aids the body in breaking down and storing fats. Without lipase, our fat stagnates and accumulates in our arteries, which could lead to heart disease. Lipase also helps us to burn fat for energy. By eating cooked foods which have no enzymes, we will put weight on more abundantly than if we eat raw foods. For example, pig farmers will not feed their pigs raw potatoes because the pigs stay lean. Instead, the farmers feed the pigs boiled potatoes and the pigs become fat.
Another reason why enzymes reduce obesity is because cooked foods cause drastic changes in the size and appearance of the pituitary gland. Researchers have found that enzymes affect our hormone-producing glands and hormones influence our enzyme levels. Cooked foods cause our pancreas, thyroid, and pituitary glands to exhaust their enzymes to digest our foods. This causes our body to become sluggish, leading to weight gain. Raw food calories are relatively non-stimulating to glands and stabilize body weight more so than cooked food calories. |