Q24-Can food enzymes fight diseases?
Yes. There is a connection between the strength of our immune system and our enzyme level. The more enzyme reserves we have, the stronger our immune system will be, and the healthier and stronger we will be. For example, leukocytes (white blood cells) have 8 different amylase enzymes which enables the white blood cell to latch onto foreign substances and reduce them to a form that the body can excrete. Research has shown that leukocytes increase after one has eaten a cooked meal. This indicates a definite compensatory measure on part of the body to transport more enzymes to the digestive tract for digestion. There is no increase in leukocytes after one has consumed a raw food meal. Research has shown that enzymes are related to all diseases via the immune system, whether the disease is acute or chronic. If the pancreas output of enzymes is hindered, the whole body is affected. Therefore, we must eat raw foods or take supplemental enzymes to fight against infections |